Add/Edit Petition Updates
Please note that you will need to be logged into the account you used to create the petition in order to send an update, or make changes to existing updates.
Add a Petition Update
- Click/Tap on the petition for which you'd like to send an update. This will bring you to your dashboard.
- Scroll down to find the “Update Your Supporters” section and click the “Post an Update” button.
- Add a headline, and the text of your update. You can also upload a photo - this can be attention grabbing!
- You can preview your email using the “Preview the email” button.
- Once you're ready, you can go ahead and click the “Post” button. This will send your update out to any supporters who opted in to hear more, and will also be added to your petition page.
Edit a Petition Update
- Click/Tap on the petition whose updates you’d like to edit or delete. This will bring you to your dashboard.
- Click/Tap on “View Petition” at the top of the screen.
- Scroll down to the “Updates” section and find the update you’d like to modify. Click on that update.
- Below the update title, you’ll see the options to edit or delete that update!
Changes made to a petition update, after this has been published, will only be reflected on the main petition page. No correction email will be sent to your supporters.
Limits on Petition Update Emails
There are limits on how often updates trigger email notifications (except for supporters who have opted out) to prevent too many emails from being sent to supporters.
- Maximum of 1 email per 24 hours – If you post more than twice in a day, only one update will be emailed.
- Maximum of 3 emails per week – If you post more than four updates in a week, emails will only be sent for the first three.
If you exceed these limits, your update will still appear on your petition page, but it won’t be sent as an email notification to supporters.