Common Errors
How to fix the errors that most commonly come up for petition starters
Below are some common causes of errors when creating your petition. If you’ve tried the steps below and find you are still getting an error, please reach out to our Support Team who are happy to hep!
Timeout Errors
Timeout errors are the most common issue, especially if your internet connection isn’t super fast. If this happens to you, close your browser, and then start again.
Too Many Decision Makers
We don’t have a hard limit on the number of Decision Makers you can have on your petition, but more than 10 or so can hinder the publishing process. Take the time to narrow down your list of Decision Makers - this will help from a technical perspective, but is also more likely to make your petition successful as you’ve narrowed down the solution you’re looking for and who can help you achieve it!
Hitting Submit or Publish too many times
We know it can be frustrating to have to wait, but please don’t hit the buttons too many times - that can cause our servers to get overwhelmed and confused. If you’ve done this, take the time to refresh the page, and try again hitting the button only once.